Butterfly Whirl

Contra DAnce weekend
Friday - Sunday
May 23-25, 2025

Join us for Atlanta’s Spring contra dance weekend. Contra, English, Waltz, Couples dance, Singing, and much more.

Music: Stomp Rocket & Thunderwing

Calling: Jacqui Grennan & Seth Tepfer

Sound: Jared and Galen Kirkpatrick

3 New England musicians

Stomp Rocket from Maine and Massachusetts

  • Dave Langford, fiddle
  • Glen Loper, mandolin, banjo
  • Bethany Waikman, piano, guitar


  • Amy Englesberg: piano, accordion
  • Cedar Stanistreet: fiddle 
  • Benjamin Foss: fiddle, banjo, guitar

Danceable and delightful, their years of wide-ranging musical experiences intersect to present an electrifying party of contemporary New England contra dance music. Contagious fun is what this trio is all about.

Jacqui Grennan from California

Jacqui Grennan started contra dancing in Los Angeles, CA, in 2009. Since then, she’s taken a deep dive into folk dancing, first as a contra caller, then choreographer, then English Country Dance caller and choreographer, and now taking on the challenge of learning modern western square dancing. These experiences of trying new things at different skill levels has enhanced her ability to consider different ways of teaching and learning. She is known for her clear and caring teaching with a stage presence that is a blend of calmness and dynamism. She knows what dancers want, and knows how to make it happen, seeing herself as the host of a party who wants to help everyone have a good time.


Draft schedule subject to change.

Friday Night: 


Front desk opens for check in

7:30 – 9:00

9:15 – 10:45

Seth Tepfer and Thunderwing

Jacqui Grennan and Stomp Rocket



930 – 10:00

10:00 – 12:00

Waltzing with Thunderwing

Seth and Thunderwing Contra

12:30 – 3:30

ECD with Jacqui and Stomp Rocket

LUNCH on your own (Decatur restaurants)

400- 5:00

Afternoon Workshops: Couples Dance (and Reframed)

Mini-Marathon/Ultra medley (1 hour, non stop music and contra)

Jacqui Grennan & Seth Tepfer; Thunderwing & Stomp Rocket

5:00 – 7:00

6:30 – 7:30

DINNER on your own (Decatur restaurants)

Ukulele Jam with Steve Keteltas and Mary McClead


7:30 – 9:00

9:15 – 10:45

Seth Tepfer and Stomp Rocket 

Jacqui Grennan and Thunderwing 



9:00 – 10:00

930 – 1030

10:30 – 2:00

Sunday Sing with Janet Shepherd


Farewell Dance with Stomp Rocket, Thundering, Jacqui & Seth


Help Clean Up

Directions and Parking:

Decatur Recreation Center (Dec Rec)

231 Sycamore Street,
Decatur, GA 30030

Parking Options


  • Dec Rec and the Decatur Library next door share a free 2-level parking deck.
    Access the lot via a two-lane drive between the two buildings.


  • The Methodist Church at 300 E Ponce de Leon Ave is allowing us to use their lot.
    It is a 4-minute walk from the Hall.
    Please do not park in the church lot on Sunday morning before 11:15am.


  • On-street parking is free in Decatur on Sundays and after 6:00pm daily.
    At all other times parking is metered — please be aware that The City of Decatur does enforce its parking regulations.


  • “Parkopedia” is an online map of parking lots. CLICK HERE to show paid lots near the Hall.
    NOTE: The prices shown will be those effective at the date and time you click the link.

Directions for Dancers who are not GPS-enabled

From the North (Tennessee) via I-75 South:

  1. From I-75 South take I-85 North to exit #91 (Clairmont Road/Decatur).
  2. Fork right on the exit ramp to take Clairmont Road to the right towards Decatur.
  3. Follow Clairmont Rd for 4.5 miles until it deadends at Ponce de Leon Avenue in downtown Decatur.
  4. Turn left onto Ponce and go one block.
  5. Turn right onto Church Street and go one block.
  6. Turn left onto Sycamore Street.
  7. Dec Rec is the third building on the right. To access the parking deck, turn right at the driveway just before Dec Rec.

From the South (Florida) via I-75 North:

  1. From I-75 North take I-675 North to I-285 East.
  2. Circle Right around the Perimeter to Exit 39A towards Decatur.
  3. At third light get into one of two left turn lanes for Church Street.
  4. Take Church Street into downtown Decatur.
  5. Cross Ponce de Leon Avenue and go one more block.
  6. Turn left onto Sycamore Street.
  7. Dec Rec is the third building on the right. To access the parking deck, turn right at the driveway just before Dec Rec.

From the East (North Carolina) via I-85 South:

  1. Take Exit #91 (Clairmont Road/Decatur).
  2. Turn left, go under the interstate overpass and head towards Decatur for 4.5 miles until Clairmont Road deadends at Ponce de Leon Avenue in downtown Decatur.
  3. Turn left onto Ponce and go one block.
  4. Turn right onto Church Street and go one block.
  5. Turn left onto Sycamore Street.
  6. Dec Rec is the third building on the right. To access the parking deck, turn right at the driveway just before Dec Rec.

From the East (South Carolina) or West (Alabama) along I-20:

  1. Take Candler Road Exit (#65) and turn Right (North) if you were coming from the South Carolina direction or Left if you were coming from the Alabama direction.
  2. Go 4.2 miles.
  3. After crossing a set of railroad tracks, the road bears to the left and becomes E. Trinity Place.
  4. Continue for two blocks to Church Street.
  5. Turn Right on Church Street and go one block.
  6. Turn Right on Sycamore Street.
  7. Dec Rec is the third building on the right. To access the parking deck, turn right at the driveway just before Dec Rec.


Costs include access to dancing, workshops, jams, snacks. Costs do not include housing or full meals. Housing with local dancers is facilitated but not guaranteed. Housing requests are accepted through the registration process through April 1, 2025. Assignments will be completed by May 1, 2025.

Payment is via Venmo (preferred), PayPal (charges a fee), or check.


  • $115: Early bird, available through Monday March 24
  • $140: Full weekend through Thursday May 1
  • $145: Full weekend after May 1
  • Free: Low / No Income [tdonation options for “pay what you can afford”]
  • $35: A la carte price for Friday night, Saturday day, and/or Sunday
  • $45: Saturday night


Polices and FAQ:

Role Terms

What dancer role terms will you be using?

Gender Balancing

Is registration gender balanced?
Not deliberately. And even when equal numbers of men and women register for the weekend the balance among potential partners can be skewed at any given time since everyone isn’t on the floor at the same time. Given that our collective goal is to dance as much as possible you are urged to ignore issues of gender when asking or being asked to dance.

Should you find yourself dancing on an unfamiliar side, just remember …
• the person dancing on the left side in a couple extends their left arm out in a swing and
• the person dancing on the right side in a couple extends their right arm out in a swing.


What is your Covid policy?
Please don’t come to the dance if you don’t feel well or have recently been exposed to Covid. Masks and vaccines are optional.

Refunds and Á la Carte

I’m not sure I can make it for the whole weekend. May I register in advance for just certain sessions?
Yes. $35 for Friday night, Saturday day, and Sunday. $45 for Saturday night.

Something dire has happened and I can’t come to the dance after all. May I get a refund?
Yes! Absolutely you can. Just email kimbi.hagen@gmail.com

I’m unemployed/underemployed, do you have a discount rate?
A: Yes we do — please see the registration page for details.


Is there a deadline for requesting housing?
Yes. April 1, 2025.

How do I offer or request housing?
There is a field on the registration form for providing details about space you have available or need.

Whom do I contact with housing-related questions?
Please contact our Housing Committee at ccwr2r@gmail.com.

When will I hear who is providing my housing / Who my guest(s) are?
Not until 2 weeks or so before the dance. The housing coordinator will contact you once housing matches are made after the housing cut off has passed (April 1).

Where do I meet my host / guest(s)?

We will have a rendezvous location at the Hall so that you can meet up with your host/guest at the beginning of Break on Friday evening.

What if I can’t get to the dance until really late on Friday night or even until Saturday morning?

You will be given email and telephone contact information for your host as soon as the assignments are made, please use it to get in touch ahead of time, particularly if you don’t think that you are going to make the rendezvous at the beginning of break on Friday. It causes hosts a lot of anxiety when guests don’t warn them in advance that they will be coming late or not coming at all.

NOTE: We keep a list of no-shows and if we get a report from your host that you failed to show without notifying them in advance we won’t be providing you with housing in the future.